Click the Register button in the top right-hand corner of the portal to create an account.
If you already have an account, Login and click here to skip to the player registration steps.
Add the appropriate information, then click "Create Account".
If your username/password combination is accepted, you'll see the screen below.
Select the image on the right to register/volunteer yourself, or select the image on the
left to register a participant for a program.
Fill out the Account Holder Information section. If you wish to add an Additional Parent/Guardian,
enter their information and click Invite Account User & Continue.
If not, leave the area blank and click Continue. Now that your account has been created,
continue to Registering Players or skip to Register Myself.
Registering Players
If this is your first time registering a player, you'll see the image below.
Select the appropriate number of players, then begin filling out their registration information
Please be sure to select the appropriate Date of Birth and Gender fields -
these are the parameters that decide which programs/divisions are available for registration
Fields marked with an asterisk are required and can not be bypassed
After entering Player Information, select the appropriate available activity:
Players are eligible for Programs/Divisions based on the settings configured by your league.
If you aren't seeing the appropriate Program/Division, please check your player's Gender/Date Of Birth,
then reach out to your league directly for more assistance.
Use the View Description link for more information about the available Programs.
After selecting a Program/Division, fill out the rest of the questions required by
your organization and continue to the next step.